Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Lab 2

Introduction: The goal of this lab was to learn how to download, modify, and map data from the United States Census Bureau Website. This data was collected in the 2010 Census.
Methods: First, I searched the US Census Bureau Website to find both population and housing unit numbers for the counties of Wisconsin. I used the 2010 US Census SF1 100% data. I then downloaded them as Microsoft Excel files and put those tables into ArcGIS. I then combined the Excel tables into county shapfiles into one shapefile so that the data downloaded had features to match the data and therefore I could map it.
I then mapped to maps, one on county population, the other on number housing units in each county; then added basemaps, scales, titles, etc.

Results: The data results were expected, with Madison and Milwaukee as the centers of population and housing and a direct correlation between population and housing units. I now have the very important skill of using US Census Bureau data off of their website.
Sources: 2010 US Census SF1 100% data from the United States Census Bureau Website: http://factfinder2.census.gov 

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